Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mr. Cigarette Man

I got on the trax after work one night it was really packed so i ended up having to stand by this charming young fellow. And for some reason he took a liking to me.  He first told me my coat was really nice, and asked what type of fabric it was. (like i haven't heard that one before.) hahaha. Then he continued talking to me.  "It looks like wool, It's wool isn't it?" So I put in my headphones to let him know I really wasn't interested in talking to him, but he must have not noticed because he kept talking. haha. Then a nice man a couple feet away offered me his seat, so I of course thanked him and took it.  And even though I was a several feet away, the coat guy still continued talking to me. haha. Then he started rolling his own cigarette. And by the smell of things, I'm guessing it might have been a little more than tobacco in there, but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt say it's tobacco. Very entertaining. Then after a few stops he got off and while the train was pulling away he cheerfully waved at me like we were old friends. Oh, bless his heart.  

P.s. I really like that he is wearing a hawaiian lei around his neck. It adds character.   

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